: "A year of fast-compos" : musicdisk by herotyc : ...a fast-disk :P - introduction: The main idea of what a fast-compo is: you make a tune, and in the next hour you have to vote all the tunes that ppl have done. It's very fun, not a serious competition. - songs: Buh... A lot. - Good songs: uhm... fewer than a lot. :P - Greetings to: #modulez, #demoscene, #vanian, #fromage... and... nagz, yero, tonka, xpinvert, reduz, aymes, slash, smash!, Kile, delapipol, mk, likuid, arachno, vhiiula, coleridoo, edzes, jcl, breaksound, and... to all the ppl I forget :) - And visit: http://modulez.escena.org http://www.ojuice.net http://fromagemusic.cjb.net http://www.noerror.org . herotyc 2001(2002) . herotyc@yahoo.com . http://herotyc.da.ru .